Last July, I wrote a post about the Best Online Résumé Ever. It was the online résumé of an online marketing manager who constructed it to look exactly like Google’s free Analytics tool. There were a number of reasons why this was a fantastic online CV, including the facts that it was relevant, demonstrative, fascinating and optimized for […]
Tag Archives | website
Weekly Roundup: 26-Aug [Career Development Newsletter]
“TotalPicture Radio” Host Peter Clayton Interviews #CareerGravity Recently, human capital expert Peter Clayton interviewed #CareerGravity’s co-founders, Jon DiPietro and Brent Skinner, for “TotalPicture Radio.” You may recall us mentioning so in a previous Weekly Roundup. The podcast is now embedded at our website. To listen, click on the link above. Self-Employment Is On the Rise […]
Online Personal Branding With Google Authorship
Google Authorship allows you to link your Google+ profile to the content you create. It’s a powerful online personal branding tool that allows you to explicitly tell the search engines that a web page is your content. This helps your branding in two ways. First, you get “credit” from Google for all of the content you […]
The Best Online Resume EVER
A couple of day ago, I posted 6 Examples of Creative Resumes and one of those was a candidate who “…crafted his resume to look like Google search results for the ‘perfect candidate.’” I thought today I’d share that resume with you and deconstruct some of the reasons why I think Simone Fortunini‘s is the best online […]
10 Things to Do After Getting a Pink Slip [Job Search]
The Success Reporter at The Citizen compiled a list of the first 10 things you should do after losing your job. It’s hard to get geared up for a job search after getting kicked in the gut, no doubt. But this article contains some practical advice and we throw in two bonus tips for good […]
Launching Your Online Personal Brand
OK, so you’ve taken all of the steps required to establish your online personal brand. You’ve created your online personal brand and created a WordPress resume. After all of this hard work, it’s time for the great unveiling. If you’ve used WordPress to build your website and followed the best practices for search engine optimization, you’ll […]
How to Create a WordPress Resume
The home base for your Internet presence is your personal website. At #CareerGravity, we highly recommend using WordPress to build your site. While WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging software, you don’t necessarily need to use it that way. You can use it to create an online WordPress resume. Once you install WordPress, you’ll […]
Next Webinar: Do you have a flag?
Join us Thursday, April 26th at 8pm EDT / 5pm PDT British comedian Eddie Izzard describes how imperial Britain built an empire by stealing countries through “the cunning use of flags.” Before I ruin the joke, watch this 50 second snippet: [iframe_loader width=”640″ height=”480″ src=””] What does this have to do with #CareerGravity? As we […]
Your Online Career Development Shopping List
Once you’ve completed your #CareerGravity design (by creating and selling your online personal brand), it’s time to gather together all of the materials you’ll need to build your #CareerGravity generator. In this post, you’ll have to decide whether you want to go with the free or paid route. If you’re apprehensive about your technical prowess […]
Selling Your Online Personal Brand
OK, so you’ve created your online personal brand. Now what? The next logical step after creating your marketing plan is to go forth and sell it. Advertising and sales pioneer E. St. Elmo Lewis is credited with the marketing acronym AIDA, which stands for attention, interest, desire and action. They are principals to which, according to […]