Billionaire entrepreneur and Shark Tank member Mark Cuban is an Internet veteran. He knows a thing or two about the web and where social media is going. In this chilling video, he paints a dystopian picture of businesses (and governments?) using your social media friends and actions to perform predictive analyses straight out of the […]
Author Archive | Jon DiPietro
Social Media Snooping: Orwellian or Opportunity?
You are being watched. And snooped upon. And recorded. I’m not just talking about the NSA, either. Big brands are watching and listening to you online. They want to know what you like, what you don’t like, what you talk about, and who your friends are. And employers and recruiters are watching, too. Does this […]
Your Career as a Startup
A year ago, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha published The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform your Career. In commemoration of the one year anniversary of the book’s launch, they released a visual summary of the book. This presentation elegantly articulates the #CareerGravity mindset. The book’s website […]
The World’s Best Résumés
Last July, I wrote a post about the Best Online Résumé Ever. It was the online résumé of an online marketing manager who constructed it to look exactly like Google’s free Analytics tool. There were a number of reasons why this was a fantastic online CV, including the facts that it was relevant, demonstrative, fascinating and optimized for […]
The Future of Work
This week I came across a report called The Future of Work from a publisher named PSFK. In it, they identified 16 trends across 4 macro themes that they say will impact the workplace in the future. I’ve pulled out a few of the more compelling examples that I think people should think about. Career […]
LinkedIn Wants Your Professional Content [Personal Branding]
LinkedIn (again) blew the doors off of its earnings expectations yesterday. Their net income rose 66% thanks to a 81% revenue increase, fueling a 10% after-hours pop in its stock price. LinkedIn earns revenue from three sources; recruiting tools (Talent Solutions), advertising (Marketing Solutions) and premium membership accounts. Talent Solutions revenue increased 90% to $161M. […]
Why Do Job Seekers “Dislike” Facebook?
Last week, #CareerGravity co-founders Brent Skinner and Jon DiPietro gave a joint presentation to an audience of job seekers at Manchester Community College’s Workforce Development Center. As we stood in front of the audience waiting to begin, I eavesdropped on several conversations. Some of them were typical of what I hear on a very regular basis. […]
Happy #CareerGravity Day (formerly Labor Day)
This post is not a history lesson about Labor Day: It’s a discussion about the future of “labor.” Labor Day is a U.S. federal holiday that celebrates the contributions of workers. It was signed into law in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland in hopes to end a growing trend of unrest and violence associated with […]
The Labor Market Still Has a Long Way to Go [Chart of the Week]
Each Saturday, #we publish our Chart of the Week. It presents interesting trends and data, usually related to the U.S. labor market. Business Insider published an article this week titled The US Labor Market Is a Long Way From Being Back to Normal. They presented a series of sobering charts showing that the […]
Weekly Roundup: 26-Aug [Career Development Newsletter]
“TotalPicture Radio” Host Peter Clayton Interviews #CareerGravity Recently, human capital expert Peter Clayton interviewed #CareerGravity’s co-founders, Jon DiPietro and Brent Skinner, for “TotalPicture Radio.” You may recall us mentioning so in a previous Weekly Roundup. The podcast is now embedded at our website. To listen, click on the link above. Self-Employment Is On the Rise […]