Webinar Recap: Online Contentedness

online content, transcendental meditationAbout one month ago, we presented the latest in our series of free (for now) webinars designed to help you get started with your #CareerGravity. Then, life happened, and this recap of that webinar has been a long time in the making. I’ll spare you the annoyance of hearing that good things come to those who wait. Sometimes, you just wait, and that’s it. Even so, let’s make this recap worth the wait. …


During our webinar, “Say It With Content,” #CareerGravity Co-founder Jon DiPietro shared a number of strategies and tactics to help you to think up and create that content for your blog and social media outposts, and how to integrate all of it back and forth. Contrast is important; so are images. Video counts as content, and so does audio. For an elaboration on all this, watch the recording, posted toward the end of this blog entry.

The thing about online content that works for you is that you need a continual supply of it, and for a continual supply of content, you need a continual supply of creativity, too. Frankly, to do online content right, you should probably make like The Beatles’ George Harrison—i.e., travel to India and take up transcendental meditation. All the incense-fueled introspection will coax out all your latent creativity. And then, you should just keep creating, because good things do come to those who wait. …for their copious content to start bringing in results.

The patient wait for their online presence to command the attention of the search engines and attract a steady flow of visitors daily. They recognize and accept that Google will recognize and accept their content only after time has passed. They understand and embrace the zen of interacting in social media every day, relentlessly, on the promise that online relationships in their nascence today will yield career-relevant rewards many tomorrows from now, and only with patience.

Webinar Recording

Following is the recording of July 9th’s webinar. It’ll be available here for a little while, until it slips behind our firewall, only to be seen again when we make an announcement about archived webinars, later. Our next webinar’s date is TBD. Just be patient, and stay tuned.

[iframe_loader src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/46152024?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”650″ height=”366″]

image credit: george harrison, by badgreeb RECORDS
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