Use it or lose it. That’s the saying, but recently, I learned that it’s possible not to use something and still not lose it. Are you confused? Just keep reading. … One morning several weeks ago—after brewing my coffee, of course—I skipped over to my computer, fired it up and gleefully opened my email. OK, that’s […]
Author Archive | Brent Skinner
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes in Social Media
Following is a recent conversation between Jon DiPietro and Brent Skinner, co-founders of #CareerGravity: Brent: Hey, Jon, how’s it going? Jon: Great, how are you? Brent: I’m good. Hey, I got a question for ya. Jon: Lay it on me. Brent: Um, what? I’m confused. I have a question and thought you might know the […]
Thanksgiving Meets Your Career Development
Have you ever wondered why there’s a capital “H” in the “Happy” in “Happy Thanksgiving”? Should there be? “Who cares?” you ask. Fair enough, it’s just a small part of me, the writing nerd, fighting the good fight. A capital “H,” no matter where it is, is no reason for a rant. But the capital […]
At a Loss for Social Media Keywords?
Are you at a loss for social media keywords to use on your profiles? If so, you’ll find that #CareerGravity extends a helping hand to you at the point of your wits’ end. We’ve blogged about job search keywords, for instance. We’re also posting this quick blog entry today to turn your attention to “The Top […]
The Legend of Employee Referrals Is Linked to Zao
If you’ve been following this blog, you know that just about all hiring organizations are using, or plan to use, social media to recruit job candidates. And hiring authorities are looking for referrals as a part of their social media–based recruiting efforts. You want your #CareerGravity to be right, to look good, when acquaintances of […]
TalentBin: Diversify Your Online Footprint Now
Recruiting has changed. That’s an understatement of the highest order. The fancy schmancy term for recruitment is talent acquisition, by the way. As it turns out, I’m working on a related article due to HRO Today, well, today. Recently, in preparations for writing that article, I had the pleasure of speaking with Peter Kazanjy, co-founder and CEO of […]
Jobseekers: Keep Your Cool — and Your Options Open
Recently, one jobseeker’s foot traveled directly to her mouth. Click on this link only if you’re OK with reading foul language. A jarring illustration of frustration, brought on by obsession boiling into a toxic brew of self-inflicted defeat, her story went viral. The angles to and dynamics of her plight would probably keep smart human resource industry […]
“TotalPicture Radio” Host Peter Clayton Interviews #CareerGravity
Recently, #CareerGravity Co-founders Jon DiPietro and Brent Skinner were guests on “TotalPicture Radio,” an online show hosted by Peter Clayton. Jon and Brent provided Peter and his listeners with an overview of how #CareerGravity works. During their conversation with Peter, the co-founders spoke of #CareerGravity’s benefits to jobseekers and happily or unhappily employed professionals alike, who […]
Resume the 13th Part 57
The résumé isn’t just for Microsoft Word anymore. With #CareerGravity, you can do all sorts of cool, bleeding-edge things with your résumé. Social media, especially the visually-oriented destinations (e.g., Pinterest), give you a wide berth to exercise creativity and innovation in how you interpret the idea of a résumé and present it to the world. This past […]
Build Your #CareerGravity While the Rest of the World Sleeps
My schedule is tight, filled with competing commitments and responsibilities of similar importance. Perhaps you can relate. Managing it all is a challenge, and the temptation is ever-present to neglect my own digital footprint in favor of my clients’ online brands. I’ve learned that nothing can replace more time, to avoid that pitfall. When is […]