Weekly Roundup: 19-Aug [Career Development Newsletter]


LinkedIn Is Kicking @$$ and Taking Names

LinkedIn’s year-over-year growth is greatly outpacing that of other well-known high-tech companies, including Apple, Facebook and Amazon, the data in #CareerGravity’s latest Chart of the Week show. The health of LinkedIn’s books means that this social media destination is among the most stable to exploit for your #CareerGravity.

Resumé the 13th Part 57

Depending on how you look at it, Jason came back 12 times, which means there might be one more “Friday the 13th” movie in the works. The resumé keeps coming back, too. Yes, traditional resumés of the computer word-processed kind will one day become extinct, but new renditions of the resumé, including those in the form of infographics, are fresh and gaining acceptance — and they’re ready-made for social media.

Dominating Your Google Score

Speaking of infographics, at the above link we’ve posted one that shares tips on how best to maximize your digital footprint’s search engine visibility. Some social media sites rank higher than do others for this, for instance. For the down-low, click.

Build Your #CareerGravity While the Rest of the World Sleeps

#CareerGravity Co-founder Brent Skinner builds his #CareerGravity while the rest of the world sleeps. When he’s not exhausted, he wakes up at 4am on weekdays. Why? He can work for several hours, undisturbed, on his online professional brand. Some of his best thinking happens in the morning, anyway. If you yourself are grasping for creativity and wondering where to find the time for your #CareerGravity, you may find both in the morning. Click on the link to read his story.

How To Break The Mold & Reinvent Your Resumé

Creativity rules the roost in today’s job search. Again, your resumé is chief among the elements you can use to express your creativity in ways that will attract employing organizations’ attention. Interestingly, creative types can be among the worst offenders in resorting to tired tactics with their own resumés. Click on the link to see examples of those who broke the mold.

If You’re Looking for a Job, Get Out of Your Own Way

What does that mean, exactly? There are six types of jobseekers, five of whom are frustrated because they get in their own way (yet don’t know it), according to the Harvard Business Review article at the above link.

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