Have you ever wondered why there’s a capital “H” in the “Happy” in “Happy Thanksgiving”? Should there be? “Who cares?” you ask. Fair enough, it’s just a small part of me, the writing nerd, fighting the good fight. A capital “H,” no matter where it is, is no reason for a rant. But the capital “T” in “Thanksgiving,” yes, that capital letter right there is there for a good reason, and it has conspired with all manner of Thanksgiving imagery and tradition ancient and contemporary to inspire all manner of renditions of the fabled holiday’s name. Those would be Turkey Day and T-Day, to name just two. That second one, T-Day, is my favorite, and a small part of me likes to think that I came up with it. I didn’t, of course, but I can dream—and I will.
We at #CareerGravity wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving (or happy Thanksgiving). What are you thankful for, in your career? What do you like to think that you, and only you, have come up with as a clever differentiation for yourself amid the sea of professionals out there differentiating themselves from their competition, in their careers? How are you using #CareerGravity to advance, own and solidify that differentiation?
Differentiation takes patience and time, just like alternative names for holidays, to gain acceptance and take hold. Our advice? Start dreaming. Start planning your career development today to achieve by T-Day of 2013 the level of #CareerGravity you can be thankful for.
image credit: eattt fanksgiving, by Jelene Morris
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