Here at #CareerGravity, we’ve shown you how to calculate your personal Google score. According to social recruiting software vendor Jobvite, nearly three quarters of employers either always or sometimes search online profiles of prospective job candidates. What will they find when they search your name?
A large part of online personal branding is dominating the search results for your brand. The number one way to get to the top of the results is to build your own personal website. But how do you dominate the rest of the page? The folks over at BrandYourself have shared some important data gleaned from their user base. This info graphic shows (among other things) the average ranking position of social media profiles for over 100,000 users of their system. Here are the highlights:
- None in the top two – The top two spots are dominated by non-social networking results. What are they? Most likely, personal websites with the person’s name in the domain URL.
- LinkedIn is king – It ranks higher than all other social networks.
- WordPress wins – If you’re building a personal blog on someone else’s domain (which we don’t recommend), WordPress wins.
- Vimeo beats YouTube – This is a little bit of a shocker but Vimeo ranks higher than YouTube!
Check out the rest of their interesting facts:
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