Tag Archives | Quora

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How to Find a Job While You Sleep

When you need to find a job, the biggest limiting factor you face is time. A job search requires research, phone calls, networking, applications, emails, etc… But there are only so many hours in a day for all of those activities. And if you’re still working at the same time you’re trying to find a […]

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Your Online Career Development Shopping List

Once you’ve completed your #CareerGravity design (by creating and selling your online personal brand), it’s time to gather together all of the materials you’ll need to build your #CareerGravity generator. In this post, you’ll have to decide whether you want to go with the free or paid route. If you’re apprehensive about your technical prowess […]

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The Google Resume

Marketing guru David Meerman Scott recently offered some Tough love for marketing and PR job seekers. He asked, “What happens if I Google the name on your resume and the most recent company you worked for?” He answers his own question by offering, “Sadly, for many job seekers, what pops up on Google are a few […]

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